Kadampa Meditation Centre Slovenija
Modern BuddhismPractical meditation for everyone
learn to meditate
take a more positive view of life
reduce stress, anxiety, anger etc. and develop inner peace
improve the way you relate to others
make progress on the spiritual path
Starting 13th September 2024
Weekly meditation course in English:
“Modern Buddhism” – the path of wisdom and compassion
Fridays 19:00 – 20:00

What we offer
Weekly meditation – Friday evenings
- 1 hour a week, Fridays 19:00 – 20:00, starting 13th September 2024
- suitable also for beginners
- you can join the course whenever you wish
- in English
Our mission
Everyone needs peace because it is the foundation of all happiness.
Without inner peace, peace in this world is impossible.
Buddhist meditation is the best way to develop inner peace.
Modern Kadampa Buddhism is a special presentation of Buddha’s teachings, intended specifically for our modern world, introduced by the renowned meditation master and scholar Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. It is a practical way of living based on wisdom and compassion, which everyone can practise and integrate into their everyday life without having to change their normal life-style.
Modern Buddhism provides you with practical solutions to your daily problems such as anger, uncontrolled desire and confusion. Through practising these instructions you will discover lasting happiness by developing inner peace, and you will find a better way of relating to yourself and to others. You will also become able to help your friends, family members and others to gain the same experience.
Our Centre provides regular courses in practical meditation throughout the year and offers a friendly relaxed environment in which you can meet like-minded practitioners with the same aims as your own. For those wishing to deepen their understanding and experience of Buddhist meditation we also offer a programme of advanced study and practice.
Everyone is welcome to take part in our activities and enjoy the benefits of modern Kadampa Buddhism.