Special events

A weekend of wisdom blessings with the Empowerment of Buddha Manjushri

Wisdom – your key to happiness

Wisdom is a special type of intelligence that enables us to understand the things we need to know in order to achieve happiness for ourselves and others. Unlike ordinary, worldly intelligence, wisdom never causes problems but only solves problems.

With wisdom, we can use our understanding of causes and effects (karma) in order to systematically create the causes of our own happiness and avoid creating the causes of our own suffering. In this way we can make our life truly meaningful.

In this course you will learn to correctly distinguish between the causes of happiness and the causes of suffering, and also how to apply this understanding in your daily life.

The result: more happiness and less problems.

The course also includes the opportunity to make a special connection with the Wisdom Buddha, Manjushri, by receiving his blessing empowerment.

The course is taught by Kadam Andrew Crompton and Kadam Božena Činkole, Resident Teachers of KMC Slovenia.

The course is in English.

Everyone is welcome!

Timetable: 21st – 23rd February 2025
Friday 19:00 Introduction
Saturday 09:00 Meditation
11:30 Blessing empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri
16:00 Teaching 1
18:30 Puja (“Wishfulfilling Jewel”) with tsog offering
Sunday 09:30 Teaching 2
11:30 Teaching 3


Although they wish to be free from suffering, they run toward suffering itself.

And although they wish for happiness, out of ignorance they destroy their own happiness like a foe.


Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd February 2025

KMC Slovenia, Tržaška 2, Ljubljana
how to find us

Course fee

entire event: 90,00 €
empowerment only: 50,00 €

Concessions are available (50%) for second family-members and those on low income.

Advance registration is requested.

Registration form for empowerment weekend 21st – 23rd February 2025

Please enter your details on the form and click on the button
“Pošlji podatke | Send”.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

Payment details

Društvo Kadamski budistični center Maitreja
IBAN : SI56 3300 0000 7240 556
Bank : Addiko Bank, Dunajska c. 117, SI-1000 Ljubljana

If you have any questions about the course please call us on 070 31 45 48 or e-mail us at info@kadampa-si.org – we will be happy to help you!

Vikend tečaj o praksi modrosti | Weekend course on the practice of wisdom | 21 - 23 feb 2025
Koliko udeležencev prijavite iz svoje družine? | How many people are you registering from your family? *
50-odstotni popust za 2. člana družine | 50% reduction for second family-members
Ali želite prejeti 50-odstotni popust na vstopnino? | Do you wish to receive a 50% reduction of your course-fee?
za drugega člana družine | applies to 2nd member of family
50-odstotni popust na vstopnino? – | 50% reduction of course-fee?
Ali želite prejeti 50-odstotni popust na vstopnino? | Do you wish to receive a 50% reduction of your course-fee?
Popust na vstopnino je na voljo tistim z nizkimi dohodki | Reduced course-fee is available to those on low income
50-odstotni popust na vstopnino je na voljo tistim z nizkimi dohodki | 50% reduction of the course-fee is available to those on low income
Ime in priimek | Your first and last names *
Navedite vse udeležence | List all participants
E-pošta | Your email address *
Telefon | Mobile number (with country-code)

Prosim označite srečanja, ki se jih boste udeležili | Please tick the sessions you will be attending

Prosim označite, če potrebujete prevod | Please indicate if you need translation

Glavni jezik je angleščina | Main language is English

Opombe | Notes

Kakšno bo vaše predplačilo? | What will your prepayment be?

Da bo vaša prijava veljavna, morate plačati najmanj ta znesek kot predplačilo. | You must make a prepayment of at least this amount in order to make your booking valid.

Opozorilo o varnosti in uporabi vaših podatkov | Use and security of your data

S tem, da pošljete svoje podatke, soglašate, da KMC Slovenije hrani te podatke za kontakt z vami. Vaših podatkov ne bomo posredovali nobeni tretji osebi. | By submitting this form you allow KMC Slovenia to use the data you provide for contacting you. We will not share your data with any third party.

Polja označena z * so obvezna. Fields marked with a * must be completed.
